At one point in life, you crave and want to afford one luxury or the other, aspire to be more in life, or just deeply want to attain some level of success.
In most cases, it looks impossible that you can’t create or climb that ladder of success.
While you point out all the things that have gone wrong with your life, always have it at the back of your mind that greatness is right within you. You are just the one who has refused to see or pull it out.
Yes, there is no exact formula or guidebook to living life, you just write and fudge it as you go to bring to reality that comfortable life you want, and there are some sure ways to make it easier for you to create.
How to create the life you have always wanted
Quit identifying with your failures and past mistakes
Nobody ever goes through life without making some mistakes along the way. Some are damaging while some are not. Without them, you won’t learn or know anything in life.
It is all just part of the journey to success, just an experience. Never make it who you are or carry it on your head like a load.
If all or some of your plans didn’t work out the way you planned it doesn’t mean it’s a dead end. It’s only a dead end the day you quit trying.
So, just shut the mouth of the devil’s advocate telling you to stop trying and keep moving till you win.
Stop bringing up past failures into the present and future of your life and plans because it will only succeed in giving you a million reasons why you should quit.
Nobody said being successful was going to be that easy.
Always take full responsibility for your life
Today, most people seem to get stuck with the idea that they are entitled to a great life which is 100% fine, I mean why would I go through life not wanting a blissful personal relationship, an exciting career, and an all-round splendid, cozy, and super comfortable life?
Ok, no reason I wouldn’t want that, but tying yourself up with the fact that you must receive it from someone is where the craze is.
Girl, the truth here is that you’re the only one solely responsible for the quality of your life. Neither Mr. A nor Miss B, just you.
Your health, blissful or down-the-pits relationships, fitness level, debt, or perhaps a bank account spilling over with dollars. Whatever is your situation at the moment, came as a result of something you did or didn’t do, like you know that junk food isn’t good for your waist ( I’m always guilty of coca cola) but eat it on daily basis anyway.
No matter how tricky your mind plays you into thinking external factors are the source of all your woos in life, deep down you know that you’re actually the one in charge and that external factors didn’t play much to determine the quality of your life.
Successful people don’t waste their time and energy tagging blame and complaining about everything rather they evaluate their experiences, own up to their thoughts, and every single action they take, whether favorable or not unfavorable, and make a change to create and live life up the life they so much desire. [Read Now- How to get unstuck in life]
Be clear on your life purpose
Everyone in life is born with one purpose or the other. Though sometimes, it takes time to even figure it out but finally identifying and honoring your life purpose is one key to being successful and creating the life you want.
Like it’s so much easier going along with nature and your calling than going against it.
Way much better!
If you don’t even know what you’re supposed to be doing, just take a deep breath, relax and tune in to the signals around you but most especially to yourself-your life experience, attitude, what you like and don’t. Pen your discoveries down and if you’re not making any headways, seek help and guidance from others.
Once you’re clear on your purpose in life, the inspiration on how to sort out your unsatisfied and unfulfilled life starts flooding on, you start figuring out what you want and mapping out steps to reach it.
You really won’t discover how powerful and creative your subconscious is and the extent it can reach just to make your ideas happen and that is until you have a clear purpose in life.
Stay far away from negativity
Nothing about negativity looks or smells good, so stay away from it. Don’t allow the negative thoughts from people to become yours or match with your thoughts.
Always reach out for happiness in all of its total packages and be sure to spread it all around you and infect people with it. [Read Now- How to overcome negative thoughts]
Believe in yourself
Unless something is distastefully evil, using the words ‘Impossible or Can’t’ is totally off the table.
If you want to successfully create the life you wish for, then you need to have an unwavering belief in yourself to make it happen, exactly how you want it to happen, nothing less.
There has to be a deep-seated belief that you have what it takes to create your desired results.
Success in life lies in your mental attitude toward things. If you don’t believe and see yourself as a winner, it’s hard to be one. You can control or handle any situation you deeply and solidly think you can handle. So, if you will experience success or struggle, it’s all thanks to you. It’s simple. No magic. [Read Now- How to boost your self-confidence]
Make personal development an absolute must
Want to live a blissful life on your terms? Never stop developing yourself. Invest solidly in whatever makes you better. Make it a priority. Whether in business, books, education, programs, mentorship, and whatever keeps you learning. Nothing is finer than a lady who is knowledgeable and when her brain is picked on, it’s never empty. Develop yourself to be different and powerful. The height of your personal development solidly equals the heights your success will reach. This simply means that the more you work to develop and invest in your growth and knowledge database, the more you achieve success.
The one secret weapon of successful women is the fact that they are never tired of learning, working, and investing to be better at whatever they do. To find your creative genius, get better at knowing the things surrounding you, improve on a skill you already have or learn new ones, strive to stop procrastination, work to boost your self-confidence which is the first component of success, and identify your strengths and talents and improve on them. Never be limited to what you can learn each day just to grow, be better and achieve the life you want. [Read Now- My journey to personal development]
Change your behavior for a different outcome
I know it can be very hard and sometimes overwhelming for you to make changes. It might go to the extent of making someone get upset with you, and take you way too much money, time, and effort than you can afford. It might even make you feel bad about your decision to make those changes, but again, that can’t be compared with the feelings you will get when you pull through with it and see the results you desire.
It’s beautiful knowing that you can make your life what you want it to be and that whatever you want is different today than yesterday only takes full commitment on your part to achieve the desired results. [Read Now- Good habits that will transform your life]
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